Welcome to Day 4 of my trip to the magical land in Orlando, Florida that they call Disney World. On this wonderful Wednesday of my trip, our plans were to go to Epcot! Again, I had it all planned out. We had FastPasses to rides, I had food in every country to try, and I had to meet Anna and Elsa in Norway! They even have their own ride and you better believe I was going to be like a 12-year-old all over again when I got in there. And, to top it off, I had reservations at the San Angel Inn Restaurante to partake in some fine Mexican dining beside a Mayan pyramid and a river flowing through.
Although I've heard a lot of people say Epcot wasn't their favorite, I was still excited. It held opportunity, good food, and countries I may never travel to in real life. I was excited and so was Wes.
Like every other morning, I woke up extremely early.
But this time, it was different.
It was still dark outside, at least it had to have been. I don't really remember much because I was still asleep. But, what I do remember is my trip to the bathroom where my meal from Planet Hollywood the night before made a reappearance. I have to say I am very thankful that I was still half-asleep while this was transpiring. My lack of memory of this early trip is a blessing.
The rest of my night consisted of more trips to the bathroom, curling up into a ball in bed, and hoping I wasn't waking Wes up. Part of me was thinking that if I had to endure this, I hope he was, too. But, the other part of me, the nice part that probably only came out when I was asleep, hoped he was sleeping through it all.
When alarms went off for the day to start, I think I was actually sleeping a little for the first time all night. Now, here's where my sickness started clouding my judgement: I asked Wes to go to Epcot without me. I know, I know, I'm incredibly nice. But, also, what was I thinking? I couldn't be alone by myself all day in this state! We had no food or water in our room, I was completely dehydrated, couldn't stand on my own, and was all around pathetic thanks to everything I had lost that morning. But, there I was, pretty much begging the kid to go live my dream for me.
And he thought about it. Which kind of made me mad, but hey, he's a guy and I had told him to go. They take everything so literally. It's like when a girl says she's fine. Is she? Probably not. Do guys believe them when they say it? Usually. But, then a miraculous thing happened: he stayed. He turned on the TV, sat on the other bed, and let me sleep.
And I should've stayed asleep. Because the second he saw my eyes open he was wanting to shove food down my throat. I allowed him to leave to go to the cafeteria place at the resort, giving him strict orders against my will of toast and Sprite. Really, the thought of food just made me miserable. I was going to waste away to nothing on that bed and I was perfectly okay with that. Sadly, he came back rather quickly with a biscuit for me and beignets for him. We had been eating beignets like every day. Seriously, if you go and stay at Port Orleans and don't eat the beignets, are you even living?
Anyway, Wes spent the next hour basically making me eat this stupid biscuit and all I wanted to do was puke on him. Somehow, I managed to eat enough to get him to leave me alone and we watched HGTV in peace. My day consisted of watching TV, sleeping, and receiving food from Wes who would so kindly go down and bring me something back. For lunch, it was a grilled cheese, which I actually ate because the Death Bug was finally leaving my body.
I would like to take this moment to thank Wes for literally everything he did for me that day. I know how miserable I get whenever I'm sick and he took it all in stride like the champ he is. Also, I'm sorry for getting you hooked on HGTV because now whenever we look at places to live, he thinks he's an expert. But, this is why I love him!
By the end of the day, I felt well enough to actually leave the room and go get some food myself. But, an entire day in Disney had passed me by. Another day without seeing fireworks. I was pretty freaking sad to say the least. I missed my dinner reservation! But, I was trying my hardest not to dwell on it and to be well enough to go to the Magic Kingdom the next day. There was no way I was missing Cinderella's castle. I had the BEST reservations for breakfast and I would be there if it was the last thing I did.
Even if I threw up in front of it, I was going.
(Spoiler: I didn't throw up!)